What is new about Augmented Learning Collaboration (ALC)?

ALC will deeply change how we collaborate. ALC brings together a range of social and digital innovations. This article provides a bird view.

Augmented Learning Collaboration (ALC) changes how we collaborate in many ways. We have tried to provide an overview of the salient features, illustrating each by a dedicated use case.

We explore the "Why ALC" in two complentary FAQ describing this innovation :

  • We present ALC as a new paradigm of digital togetherness and introduce key concepts such as "symFlos", "symBots", "virtual private assistants". And share a first use case, the (un)happy hyperCol (i.e., somebody who collaborates as a lot).
  • We present the difference between micro- and macro-collaboration, i.e., what will change between today without ALC and tomorrow with ALC.

We then delve into the understanding of key ALC features each of which contributes to the bears in itself a deep possibility of transformation, in particular:

  1. The role of time and pace in symFlos
  2. The potential of configurable collective intelligence to organise complex tasks
  3. The combination of structured and informal collaborative exchanges, which are amalgamated in hybrid models to fully empower inter-human collaboration
  4. The possibilities enabledd by deep collaborative content, carrying not only the result but also the collaboration process and its evolution
  5. The core concept of embodying individual habits and collective practices in symFlo templates that can become themselves the object of collaboration, thus enabling metacollaboration
  6. The potential of communities of practice and shared collaboration cultures, a systemic approach to creating and transforming the cultures of organisations and communities